ME Bank Signage Update Project | SignManager



ME Bank

ME Bank approached SignManager to help design a bespoke Sky Sign in Sydney’s CBD. After the preliminary budgeting was established our team undertook the council DA submission and approval process. The design for the sign and construction certification were completed while the BCA changes were made to the signage construction and materials. We then tendered the work to our network of contractors to determine best market value with the relevant skills needed to undertake this project.

Our team organised the onsite building compliance but were met with a few challenges. Primarily, there was a day-care located on the ground floor of the building. It was also paramount that we got safe access to the front of the building 25 floors off the ground to remove the existing MLC sign and support structure. We also needed to build a new support mounting system inside the plant rooms over two levels, all while ensuring this support structure wasn’t visible on the outside of the building.

For the day-care we supplied and installed barricading and worked with them to create a plan to give them access to the playground through agreed communication protocols. We also utilised a special scaffolding system (Layher Allround 27mL x 8mH) which was suspended from the roof and hung over the building fascia, completely encapsulating the MLC signs and support structure. Using the rear scaffolding access on level 24 into the plant room, we removed the structure by cutting the components into smaller,  manageable pieces and carried down to level 22 and then to the ground level loading dock via passenger lifts. To solve the visibility issues of the support structure, our team worked with engineers to fine tune mounting bracket designs and fixing details to achieve the desired result. After the scaffolding was installed and the existing sign was removed, we undertook the design, supply and installation of the new internal ME sign support structure before supplying and installing the new ME signs.

The 2 signs are 8 metres in diameter, span over two levels of plant rooms and are fabricated open face. The illumination comes via RGBW silicone LED neon style lighting. Not only is this designed perfectly for the dense Sydney Skyline, but the LED’s are smart and can be programmed through Clear Control’s proprietary software. It is also extremely energy efficient with a combined power usage of both signs of approximately 3800 KWH per year. Our NSW State Manager Colin Fisher, with his 30 years industry experience, headed up this project alongside the team at ME Bank. This successful sky sign will reinforce ME’s position in the financial space, and enhance their brand identity, goals and future growth. It will act as a beacon of their success for decades to come.

For the day-care we supplied and installed barricading and worked with them to create a plan to give them access to the playground through agreed communication protocols. We also utilised a special scaffolding system (Layher Allround 27mL x 8mH) which was suspended from the roof and hung over the building fascia, completely encapsulating the MLC signs and support structure. Using the rear scaffolding access on level 24 into the plant room, we removed the structure by cutting the components into smaller,  manageable pieces and carried down to level 22 and then to the ground level loading dock via passenger lifts. To solve the visibility issues of the support structure, our team worked with engineers to fine tune mounting bracket designs and fixing details to achieve the desired result. After the scaffolding was installed and the existing sign was removed, we undertook the design, supply and installation of the new internal ME sign support structure before supplying and installing the new ME signs.

The 2 signs are 8 metres in diameter, span over two levels of plant rooms and are fabricated open face. The illumination comes via RGBW silicone LED neon style lighting. Not only is this designed perfectly for the dense Sydney Skyline, but the LED’s are smart and can be programmed through Clear Control’s proprietary software. It is also extremely energy efficient with a combined power usage of both signs of approximately 3800 KWH per year. Our NSW State Manager Colin Fisher, with his 30 years industry experience, headed up this project alongside the team at ME Bank. This successful sky sign will  reinforce ME’s position in the financial space, and enhance their brand identity, goals and future growth. It will act as a beacon of their success for decades to come.

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