Aldi Signage Update Project | SignManager




Aldi’s sign management had historically been based on a contract arrangement with two approved suppliers, retendered every 2 years. When one of these contractors went into administration, Aldi was left with a major sign management headache.

Stock had been frozen by the administrators and several jobs were delayed as the remaining contractor struggled to manage the additional capacity.

The previous contractor had a fixed price contract on a selection of standard items, but this did not cover non-standard signage or some aspects of freight and travel.

To help resolve the issue, Aldi asked SignManager for assistance. First up, a detailed sign manual was developed that provided contractors with detailed specifications to tender for the work.

By tendering every job to at least three contractors in each state, we were able to deliver significant cost savings. Compared to their previous contractor’s benchmark pricing, costs were cut by 13% after the first year, including all our management fees.

The previous contractor had a fixed price contract on a selection of standard items, but this did not cover non-standard signage or some aspects of freight and travel.

To help resolve the issue, Aldi asked SignManager for assistance. First up, a detailed sign manual  as developed that provided a  contractors with detailed  pecifications to tender for the work.

By tendering every job to at least three contractors in each state, we were able to deliver significant cost savings. Compared to their previous contractor’s benchmark pricing, costs were cut by 13% after the first year, including all our management fees.

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