SignManager’s web-based management system allow our Property Teams to log on to a job at any time, and view job progress and contractor pricing. This transparent business works well for us and has enabled us to form a trustworthy business relationship which has provided a number of benefits over our previous procurement model.
Matthew Franich – Property Director
Aldi Stores
In 2004 SignManager completed this landmark project for Suncorp. They had just renewed the naming rights to Suncorp Stadium and asked SignManager to design signage concepts that would make this an iconic landmark.
Over the years, the signage at Suncorp Stadium performed well. However, a violent hail storm in November 2014 damaged the glass neon in one of the two external stadium signs. It was irreparable, so Suncorp briefed SignManager to redesign them and incorporate the latest weather resistant power-saving LED technology.
As Suncorp favoured the aesthetics of the previous neon signage construction, SignManager researched suitable alternatives and presented a market-leading LED product for Suncorp’s consideration. SignManager demonstrated the product’s impact resistance, power consumption ROI data and a light intensity study which compared the original neon product against the LED alternative. The newer LED solution was practical, cost effective, weather resistant and reliable, and Suncorp decided to proceed with the newer technology